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USA TODAY bestselling author and winner of the RONE Award. Maggi's books are International bestsellers of Regency and Victorian Historical Romance. She also writes contemporary romantic suspense and young adult stories. Learn more about her at her website: https://www.maggiandersenauthor.com

Monday, November 12, 2018

New Release by Diane Scott Lewis BEYOND THE FALL!

Novel Blurb:

A woman hurtled back in time. In 2018, Tamara is dumped by her arrogant husband, travels to Cornwall, England and researches her ancestors. In a neglected cemetery, she scrapes two fallen headstones together trying to read the one beneath, faints, and wakes up in 1789, the year of The French Revolution, and grain riots in England. Young Farmer Colum Polwhele comes to her aid. Can a sassy San Francisco gal survive in this primitive time and fall for Colum, a man active in underhanded dealings or will she struggle to return to her own time?


A gust of wind swept up, and her already loose cap flew off, her hair flying about.

“Drink this, to ease the pain.” Tamara put the bottle to Colum’s lips. He took a gulp.

She tasted the wine too, very sweet. In modern times Tamara knew alcohol wasn’t recommended for the injured, but she had little choice.

“Lew said the same as me. You do not seem British as Americans still would.” He blinked up at her. Pain was etched around his eyes. “Where are you really from, woman who is so unusual?”

“I’m completely out of place; you have no idea how much.” And out of time, hurtling through space like a comet. “I told you about the clothing, but you didn’t believe me.” She took a gulp of wine. She fingered the cool, smooth bottle, then touched his thigh. “How do you feel? Nauseous, lightheaded?”

“Naw, more like I’ve been shot by a musket.” He settled against the tree trunk with a wince. “I knew you were different from the start. With your strange coat fasteners an’ oddly-made shoes.” He blew out a breath. “An’ stockings that go all the way up. The bold speech.”

“And I still don’t know how I ended up here; that is in your...” Century? She wanted to tell him the truth. Pondering that, she gave him another drink from the bottle. “I shouldn’t be here. It’s impossible that I’m here at all. No one would believe the incident and I doubt could explain what happened.” She voiced the rants that scuttled through her head every night when she crawled into the Polwhele’s spare bed, praying that in the morning she’d wake up and be back in her familiar world.

The sun drifted lower over the hills behind Falmouth. Flickers of lights appeared in the town as lanterns and candles were lit. The breeze blew cold from the sea.

Tamara shivered again, and Colum handed her the jacket Lew had given him.

“No, we’ll need to share it.” She squeezed half behind him against the scaly tree bark, on his uninjured side, and covered them both with the jacket. His warmth and smell seeped into her, fluttering her senses.

Colum grasped her hand. “Where should you be, if not here? Describe that place. An’ not about the clothing.” He made an effort to grin.

She laughed to mask her pang of nerves. She sipped more from the bottle, the sweet wine relaxing her. His touch and nearness were too tempting, her barriers crumbling.

With a sigh and a stare up at the darkening sky, where the first star pricked out, she said, “What if I told you I fell from the stars?”

To find out more about my books, please visit my website: http://www.dianescottlewis.org

My first time-travel, Beyond the Fall, a little fantasy, romance and mystery, was released last week.

 Since a child I’ve always wanted to time-travel, to find myself unexpectedly in the past. How would I manage? I’ve studied the eighteenth century for my novels; why not throw a modern, independent woman there, unprepared, and watch how she copes.

Author bio:

Diane Parkinson (Diane Scott Lewis) grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, joined the Navy at nineteen, married in Greece and raised two sons all over the world, including Puerto Rico and Guam. A member of the Historical Novel Society, she writes book reviews for the Historical Novels Review. Diane worked from 2007 to 2010 as an on-line historical editor. She had her debut novel published in 2010, and has had several historical and historical-romance novels published between 2010 and 2018.

Diane lives with her husband in western Pennsylvania.


If you enjoy time travel stories, you'll love this one. Lovers, Tamara and Colum seek a peaceful life while running from danger as they move between the past and the present. I loved Outlander and The Time Traveler's Wife. and although this offers something different, it is an excellent read, which I enjoyed to the last page. Scott Lewis certainly brings the historical world to life with the depth of her research.


1 comment:


I love time travel books! Sounds like a great read. Best of luck with it.